This past weekend, I competed in Round 1 of Google Code Jam, a competitive programming competition. Although it was my second time participating in GCJ, things didn’t really go much better than last year. It should be noted I used the same tools I created last year to test solutions, which was very helpful.

I’ll talk a little about each round/problem to the best of my recollection, and as always, my (attempted) solutions can be found on GitHub here.

Qualification Round

This year’s competition kind of snuck up on me, so I jumped straight into the qualification round one Saturday afternoon. I managed to get 45 out of 100 points in about 3 hours, which I felt pretty decent about since only 20 were needed to qualify for Round 1.

‘Speaking in Tounges’ problem was particularly fun/easy since it was just a simple substitution cypher, but I’ve written a couple programs to break this before so it was no problem.

‘Dancing with Googlers’ ended up being longer than most of my solutions, and was a bit tricky. It seems that many GCJ problems give the impression of impossibly large search/solution spaces, but there are one or two facets of the problem that limit it. In this problem, it was the fact that scores could only differ by two points.

My solution for ‘Recycled Numbers’ only passed the small input, since it timed out on the large. I suspect I did a poor job limiting the search space here.

Round 1B

Before this round, I did four or so practice problems throughout the week to be prepared. Apparently that was nowhere near enough preparation, because I got demolished this round with a grand total of 0 points.

Honestly, I was never able to figure out anything resembling a good solution for ‘Saftey in Numbers’. Every scheme I devised for equally disturbing points worked on the small sample sets I had, but failed on real data.

‘Equal sums’ was just as bad. To me this seemed just like the NP complete problem of the subset sum problem and I was unable to figure out the problem differed in a leveragable manner. Another example not being able to identify the key factor that makes the problem simpler than it seems.

Round 1C

Given how bad 1B went, I was determined to be up at 4 AM on a Sunday to try again for Round 1C. Fortunately, this round went slightly better, getting a total of 28 points, which was only 10 points short of qualifying for Round 2.

‘Diamond Inhertience’ was pretty straight forward and I managed to solve the small and large inputs. It was a nice touch that this is a classic computer science / compiler problem.

‘Out of Gas’ was the other problem I attempted, and frankly, had no idea how to even address. All the rules of determining where the car should be made sense, but I think I just had trouble articulating those rules into code in an accurate manner. Specifically, I had trouble figuring out all the possible intersections given the way that the lead car changed speed.

I’d like to imagine in a less sleep deprived time, I’d be able to solve ‘Out of Gas’, but this time, it was too much for me.


In general, I was disappointed in my performance this year. I was hoping to squeak into Round 2, but was unable to do so. I do think I did a better job with testing my solutions as I went (yay Test::Unit!) and writing better, cleaner Ruby. However, I still fundamentally lack the experience to break down these problems into smarter, manageable chunks, specifically where math was involved.

I think in certain problems like ‘Out of Gas’, I had issues with the math as well. Not that I don’t understand it (at least, my engineering degree suggests I probably understand), but I’m no longer able to solve these kinds of things like I used to since I’m out of practice.

I’m still glad I took the time to freshen up on some of these skills I don’t always use in day to day programming on the job, and look forward to trying to do better next year.

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